About MAA SHRI MAHAKALI HSS HARIHARPUR LUCKNOW was established in 2002 and it is managed by the Pvt. Unaided. It is located in Rural area. It is located in SAROJNI NAGAR block of LUCKNOW district of Uttar Pradesh. The school consists of Grades from 1 to 12. The school is Co-educational and it doesn't have an attached pre-primary section. The school is Non-Ashram type (Govt.) in nature and is not using school building as a shift-school. Hindi is the medium of instructions in this school. This school is approachable by all weather road. In this school academic session starts in April. . Some of the meritorious students of our college have also made a mark for themselves overseas. Presently many students of our college who turned out to be Indian Army, state police, paramedical staff, political leaders, and other state government services are working for the betterment of our nation. The college believes in imparting quality education to instill in the students' pride in the nation and moral values. students are also groomed to contribute as responsible global citizens. Many students of our college participate in sports and games organized by the government and win medals in different sports and games.
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